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Why Music Matters?

The benefits of experiencing the magic of music in a child's early years has been proven to be the best thing you can give your child. By providing a solid musical foundation your child can move naturally into music instruction and will develop a lifelong love of music. Music stimulates many learning skills your child needs to encourage a happy and confident child.

  • Rainbow Children Music Group - sessions combine original story songs with traditional songs, music & movement, rhyme, and storytelling, lots of unique material only available at Rainbow Children Music Groups.

  • A happy musical environment and experience is created at Rainbow Children Music Group. We aim to encourage every child to enjoy a music in all sessions. At the same time, we aim to help self-confidence, develop language, motor skills, social skills, cognitive development and emotional growth, all in a safe space and fun educational way.

  • A combination of unique songs and traditional songs provide the perfect platform for a relaxed, fun, and educational session every time.

  • There is no pressure for your child to join in if they are shy or not used to groups, absorbing, and interacting with each activity in their own way will help to build confidence and social skills in a group situation. Group settings will give them important skills they will need as they move into nursery and primary school environment later on. 

We look forward to you and your child(ren) joining us!


Please call or email your details

and book your FREE TRIAL SESSION



Tel: 07905526805 

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